Monday, January 2, 2012

Germs Lurk, So Wash Your Hands, Especially When Handling Food

We tend to have a lot of things that we do know in the back of our mind that we should in fact do. One of those things is in fact washing our hands. There are a lot of germs that get right on our hands through the daily grind of life and obviously if we get some of those parasites right into our body, that is not going to really be a good thing.

Germs and Hand Washing

3 out of every 5 people say that they wash their hands after using the toilet and before every meal. However, likely about 2 of those people are just saying that and it is more like 1 out of every 5 people. There are times where people do not bother to wash their hands. This is rather problematic at restaurants.  A place where people should in fact wash their hands among every else, but not everyone that hands that food really does.

It kind of makes you scared to eat out but you might not just be getting sick because certain food did not agree with you. But rather someone is handling the food that you eat with their germ ridden hands. Germs that are not obvious of course by the naked eye but it does tend to turn your stomach when you really think about who might be handling the food that you eat out with.

In the end, it is essential to wash your hands. Even just rinsing them off is more than not washing them but if you’re going to handle food for others or even yourself, you should really give your hands a scrubbing, through anti-bacteria soap. You’d be surprised the nasty amount of parasites and bacteria that can collect on your hand, even if you are not doing any work or anything at all that is remotely dirty.

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