Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dangers of Self Diagnosis

Our health is something that is a concern to all of us. Catching something a few days or months early can mean the difference between a disease that is treatable and a disease that is beyond treatment. Naturally when we feel like there is something off with us, we want to know why. Therefore, we head off to attempt to find out what is wrong, by looking up our symptoms. Sometimes, we tend to get attracted by what might be the worst possible scenario and perhaps start seeing additional symptoms that are not there.

The process of self diagnosis is easier than ever before, where we can look up symptoms on the Internet and find out what might be wrong with us. The problem is that there are times where symptoms to a more serious condition can also be symptoms to a condition that is not as serious and life altering. Yet the worst case scenario is the one that is the cause of great concern and grave misery.

Any time we read a health article, it can affect people on a psychological level. There are many people who are hypochondriacs. They read symptoms, hear symptoms, and thus they develop said symptoms on a psychological manner. While it is good to be informed, there are people who really tend to take being informed and being prepared to an insane level.

Of course, gathering the information about the problem is one thing and mostly harmless. Perhaps not for your stress level but it is just something where being informed is relatively harmless. Knowledge is power after all.

Yet taking any kind of action for a disease without the input of a medical professional is playing dice with your life. That is the part of self diagnosis that is the worst and the most troubling. The huge problem is when this is done based on recommendations on an Internet web page.

Could the information be true and helpful? Of course, but health information is much like any other information on the Internet. It is a pool of half truths, lies, and actual good information. And then you head right into the Pandora's Box that remedies may not work for one person that works for others. Then there are times where there are certain stages of a condition and slightly variations.

In other words, you might find some good ideas about how to treat any condition on your own but most of the time, you will be in right over your head.

It doesn't hurt to compare notes with your doctor, giving your idea of what might be wrong. They can either set you straight or perhaps gain more information, before proving you right. If you have a good doctor, they will be able to confirm or deny pretty much any fear that you might have about your health.

If something is wrong, then they are likely to know. However, don't hang your hopes or fears right on the fact of some potentially sketchy information. You can find some potentially useful health tips, but the dangers of taking medication when you do not have to will do more harm than good.

Be informed but you should speak with your doctor if you think that you have the symptoms. It could actually save you from more health problems.

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