Friday, August 3, 2012

Journeys Through Dieting Day One

I've gotten over a really bad bout of illness that really qualified as a health scare in many ways. Plus, I can be rather stubborn, so obviously that can be a huge problem that has rather inflamed the hearts and minds of many. I'm on day two of my journey right through a diet.

These principles are driving what I intend to do, learning from past mistakes and failed attempts of others. Here's the Methodology that I'm driving with this diet.

Cut back on the sugary treats and the caffeine. Don't cut them out, but drastically cut back on them. A small treat now and then for sticking to the diet and the plan will help be a motivator, providing I don't do it.

Don't get fixated on weight. Stay away from the scale at all costs. It leads to frustration, self doubt, and stress.

-Exercise but don't overdo it. People tend to throw themselves into manic depressive fits to lose their weight. Which is fine, but can lead to an entirely new degree of health problems.

-Make sure to evenly space about four to six glasses of cold water throughout the day. Remember to slowly drink and then slowly walk around the house. It will likely keep the body hydrated. The mind is rather clearer.

Keep hands busy at all times and keep food out of the office/bedroom area. Snacking tends to happen a lot when people get bored and their hands are idle. So they overindulge.

I'd like to do this without any chemical help. And given that I'm still young, I feel I still have time. Medication can help but it should be a last resort. The body does have natural healing factors of its own but we tend to not reign ourselves in a lot of the time until it is too late.

Try and focus on one thing at a time. It's hard, because there are ideas on my head. Those ideas might have to learn to take turns. Although I think cutting back on the caffeine and the sugar will help me slightly. Plus I think that it might also help improve my writing, which could be manic depending on various moods.

Try and avoid the news when I can. The world sucks these days I think. As I'm dieting, I have a feel that I'll be prone to get a bit short at the stupidity of others and I'll like to apologize.

Remember, we can all change, there's no such thing as being too late.

Learning from the past mistakes of family members and learning to correct them. A strong mind can overcome DNA and I know I have a strong mind.

Stop obsessing over money. I actually think I can make some more if I dial back on the obsession. I don't want to get too political here, but that's what the greed and corruption, the corporate mentality of this nation has done to us all. Inflation has really be a problem as well.

It's going to be a long road to recovery. Take small steps and exhibit patience, and I don't want to have to send this diet flying off of the rails.  Still I got of ideas to learn for. I just got to not give into vices.

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